Deep conditioner for dry hair
Deep conditioner for dry hair

I have used their images and names with their permission. All Images in this blog belong to the women in the picture, myself, or were used with purchase or commercial permissions. Campbell or Guests, that content belongs to QuickSilverHair or the respected author. © Copyright disclaimer: All content is written by Joli A. QuickSilverHair is an affiliate with the following brands, I earn a small percentage from any qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. I earn money as an Amazon Associate from qualifying purchases. Some of the links on this site are affiliate links to. QuickSilverHair is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Oil is not moisturizing… learn more in my post Why You Might Reconsider Using Coconut Oil on Your Hair.

deep conditioner for dry hair

🚫 Avoid deep conditioning with oil alone. 🚫 Skip the products with hemp, olive oil, and black castor oil, they can potentially stain your hair especially if you did a clarifying treatment before your deep conditioning. The silicone will actually block the moisture from getting in. 🚫 Do not deep condition with silicone containing products. 🚫 Do not deep condition for more than an hour or overnight you run the risk of fungal, bacterial, and microbial infections on your scalp. Beware of label claims for things like exotic oils and extracts, read the label if they are listed in the last portion of the ingredients they are not “actively” increasing the benefits of the deep conditioning. 🚫 By law, ingredients are supposed to be listed from largest amount to smallest amount, in most cases the first ten ingredients make up the bulk of the product, after that they drop to below 10% of the product contents. 🚫 If you do make your own homemade deep conditioning mask prevent bacterial overgrowth and scalp infections, by using clean utensils and only make enough for a single use. If you love a multi-tasker this is the one for you. Loma Deep Conditioner can be used for deep conditioner, co-wash, leave-in and has heat protection. While low porosity hair doesn’t need much protein, amino acids are amazing because they are very small and will offer a little more strength to the hair shaft. Key Ingredients: Babassu oil is great for fine low porosity hair, because it is actually able to penetrate that tighter cuticle. You can use this once a week or twice a month, it will make a noticeable difference in frizz and shine. If you are fully silver with low porosity hair this is a very effective yet lightweight deep conditioner. Mielle Organics Babassu Oil Mint Deep Conditioner My Personal favorite Lightweight Deep Conditioner: Color treated, highlighted, or bleached hair maintenance.Key Ingredients: Shea Butter, Aloe Vera, and Jojoba Oil are all very nourishing and hydrating to the hair. You do not need heat for this one, however I like it with a shower cap to lock in the heat from the warm shower. You can leave it on just for the length of your shower to feel the benefits. LUS Brands, Love Ur Curls Deep Condition & Repair

deep conditioner for dry hair

My Personal favorite Weekly Deep Conditioner:

Deep conditioner for dry hair